The Salisbury Wicomico Arts Council - SWAC

1967 58th2025


Get Engaged With SWAC Programs

SWAC’s Instrument Barn, Giving the Gift of Music

The Instrument barn program designed to give any underserved child in Wicomico County the opportunity to play an instrument, has been a gift of joy to both parents and child, a valuable tool to teachers and a credit to our schools and community with improved academics. Statistics prove that children involved with the arts have higher test scores, lower truancy rate, and strong character. Additionally, The Instrument Barn program addresses the issue of narrowing the achievement gap while encouraging youth civic engagement. SWAC seeks from the community donations of gently used instruments that are then repaired, cleaned, refurbished and distributed to the student. The Student can use the instrument until high school graduation, and then the instrument stays with the school to be issued again. Hats off to The Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore who helped initiate the IB program 11 years ago and continues the support, through grants.
SWAC’s Instrument Barn; Creating stronger students and a better world, with the sound of music.

Watch, learn and listen to arts presentations and performances in the comfort and safety your own home! Broaden your horizons, get up to date event plans, or even sing along to escape the mundane and steal moments of Arts Joy!
Arts groups send us your videos, join the fun!

Click on the program to enjoy virtual arts videos.

Music Connects the World

Poems to Ponder

Dance your Fears Away

Inside Maryland Artists Homes

Come Sing a Spell

Cook up some Joy!

Lights, Camera, Action!

FY21 SWAC Grantee creations

FY21 SWAC Scholarships and Awards

A Glimpse of SWAC

The community efforts to rebuild downtown to its former glory, bringing back the 60’s art of small town shopping and neighboring with cups of coffee on main street, has become a contagious good for our downtown home. SWAC strongly support downtown revitalization and 3rd Friday, and participates with a different themed arts event each month, urging folks to “Take a dip in the arts for free” enticing those who may not consider ballet or opera but who by stopping at the SWAC booth find that the arts are enriching, fun and painless after all. SWAC 3rd Fri events range from dog days art, Irish dance, poetry, film to German Polkas! “So grab a cup of black, come taste the arts, come downtown on 3rd Friday’s and come home.”

The Salisbury Film Society presents foreign independent and classic films that are rare and usually not available in this region. Eight films a year are shown on Sunday afternoons. All film showings are at Salisbury University in the Perdue Building room 156. Doors open at 2pm and film starts at 2:30pm Single and season tickets are available. Click Here

The Salisbury Film Society was created in Spring 2003 in order to make available to our community quality, thought- provoking films not otherwise seen on the Southern Eastern Shore. Past enriching experiences such as Beth Israel Synagogue partnered with SWAC to introduce the dramatic true story “Defiant Requiem” depicting the courage and resilience of people enabled by the arts, as Nazi concentration camp prisoners create an underground orchestra. SWAC was honored and thrilled to have Murry Sidlin, the Maestro and Music Director of the film, attend the screening and facilitate the post film group discussion. The Salisbury Wicomico Arts Council in gratitude with Salisbury University as partner, was able to show award winning “Boyhood” in timely fashion the same week the Academy Awards gave the film the coveted Oscar!
The Film Society shows eight rare films a year and special film events may also be planned periodically. For FY17 renowned films such as Woody Allen’s Cafe Society, Shakespeare’s Macbeth, and Phoenix were the Highlights, and in FY18 SWAC’s SFS program proudly presented the AWARD-WINNING documentary “Separate, But Equal”.Director - Shawn Wilson, Producer-Ilyana Kadushin, DAUGHTER OF ADRIANNE & LEWIS KADUSHIN, STRONG SWAC SUPPORTERS, and Composer-James Harrell came from NYC to facilitate the event! The FY19 season included films: In The Fade, Loving Vincent, Raise the Roof, First Reformed, Burning, Eighth Grade, Phantom Thread and the highly acclaimed film, RGB, the story of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
“It is exciting when a Salisburian comes home from the big city to share their gifts, Ilyana has a heart for the arts with a focus on social justice, and we are proud to have her on the SWAC team! Wicomico County is brimming with great talent in the arts, this event is one example and an opportunity to applaud our own, while enjoying an inspiring film!”
See Current Films and Purchase Tickets >>

Classics for the Cause Youth Produced, Youth Performed concert of amazing local talent!

As in every age, elders sometimes worry about the future of our world when observing today’s youth, but after meeting Kieran Murphy and Kaya Manizade local high school students, one can rest easy. These two accomplished pianists came to SWAC with a plan to raise funds for the Instrument Barn program, stating that “they had been fortunate to have piano lessons, while other children are not, and they wanted to give back.” “Classics for a Cause” is now an annual event involving local students, a variety of entertainment, and student event management. Young people have a unique opportunity to gain valuable marketing, event management and performing experience, and create a prestigious resume tool for their future...
"All the performers were nervous, there's pressure to do well in front of the audience, to play something with perfect poise and technique, and internal pressure to be happy with your performance. Waiting to perform was stressful, but we all supported each other. Walking out, seeing everyone, all the emotions climaxed and I felt proud that the practices were paying off. I became immersed in the music, and as I conquered difficult passages, it was exhilarating to deliver this gift! I'm extremely grateful that I was given the opportunity to play at such an important event and support my community; thank you so much SWAC!" LOCAL MUSIC STUDENTS CONTACT SWAC TO BECOME INVOLVED WITH CLASSICS FOR A CAUSE!
“One November night, our futuristic worries became a peaceful lullaby as the music and character of Kieran and Kaya assured us . . we have nothing to fear.”
SWAC’s magazine Accent on the Arts in brilliant color and complete with a three month pull out calendar of arts events is mailed to SWAC members. As a SWAC member benefit Accent print space and SWAC email and Facebook marketing promotions are offered for member news/event promotion as time, staff and frequency permits. Accent on the Arts keeps the community abreast of arts advocacy, arts education, arts promotion and a plethora of county wide arts entertainment events taking place right here at home.
(The 3 month pull out calendar will be also available on this website)


Every year Over 300 MCA (MD Citizens for the Arts) CAAM (County Arts Agencies of Maryland) MSAC (MD State Arts Council) arts enthusiasts, SWAC, Senators, and Delegates, fill the House and Senate Buildings in Annapolis to educate, motivate, award, and advocate the great value of the arts as an economic and academic engine. As Governor Larry Hogan now acclimated to his position and sold on the power of the arts, combined with state-wide team efforts, unique strategy by MCA, and CAAM making arts soul mates with lovely Yumi Hogan, whose duel platform is arts in education and homelessness, has had epic results: The FY 2020 State budget proposed by Governor Hogan is a record $24.4 million in funding for the arts, including the transfer of the Special Fund for the Preservation of Cultural Arts directly to the Maryland State Arts Council and adds the amount transferred to the base arts appropriation for the purpose of calculating the following year’s funding, based on the 1994 Arts Stabilization Act! Maryland is a leading state in the nation for arts funding, with all eyes on us as we prove that when you support the arts, you support yourselves.

ARTS ADVOCACY OLD AND NEW, THE ARTS INSPIRE GREATNESS! Americans for the Arts National Art Advocacy Day

Nearly 500 grassroots advocates representing 45 states joined forces with Americans for the Arts during Arts Advocacy Day. This year was especially important for Arts voices to be heard as national arts funding is in jeopardy, but the many strong made our cases clear, as well as have advocated throughout the year on national levels; now we wait in hope. At the Kennedy Center, renowned key note speakers join us such as Alec Baldwin, Robert Redford, Norman Lear and other arts “greats” to boost the arts advocates to greatness for the day to come on the hill. Arts Advocates groups by State, invaded Capitol Hill meetings with 300 Congress and Senate representatives, telling the arts story as an economic and academic engine. Wicomico County is represented by the SWAC Executive Director Therese Hamilton. In the past for the White House Briefing on the Arts by Top White House Administration, a select small number of AFTA Advocacy Representatives were issued a special invitation to attend the briefing. Joining AFTA President Robert Lynch, AFTA National Chairwoman Dr. Jane Chu and White House Officials in the Eishenhower South Auditorium, was SWAC Executive Director and CAAM State President Therese Hamilton, who has also tweeted President Trump about the value of the arts as an economic and an academic engine!


Salisbury Wicomico Arts County Executive Director, Therese Hamilton, has been elected for a second consecutive 2 year term, for 4 years total leadership of Maryland’s 24 County Arts Agencies as the 2018 STATE PRESIDENT OF COUNTY ARTS AGENCIES OF MARYLAND – (CAAM). CAAM works to steer, develop, support and serve arts efforts and advocacy through government and other endeavors. CAAM is comprised of the State’s twenty-four County Arts Councils and the City of Baltimore’s Office of Promotion and the Arts. Working in close cooperation with the Maryland State Arts Council and Maryland Citizens for the Arts, CAAM members meet quarterly to network, share best practices, gain new skills, plan arts advocacy efforts, and become knowledgeable of arts-related initiatives throughout the State. The member agencies of CAAM play a critical role in arts advocacy, outreach, and programming by serving as the primary link between various State-level agencies and our local communities. As President, in 2017 Therese hosted and produced a 2-day, 3 town, state wide CAAM Retreat, bringing MCA, MSAC, CAAM, GOVERNMENT, AFA, and CIVIC leaders to Wicomico County many for the first time, while highlighting LOCAL Leadership, for education, arts, tourism, collaboration, and social refreshment. Retreatants experienced the majesty of the Eastern Shore in many aspects; from the tranquility of the Ward Museum, and the quaint treasure of Berlin, to the nightlife of Seacrets, the beauty of OC Arts Center and the breathtaking Ocean views from hotel balconies; CAAM proclaimed the 2017 retreat the best one ever! As President in FY20, Therese will produce a second CAAM State wide retreat in the beautiful terrain and elevated heights of western Maryland; inspiration will soar as CAAM-er’s create in the mountain air!
“What an exciting opportunity to be President again of such a powerful force for the promotion of the arts; I am honored to serve. It is wonderful to live in a State that is leading the way nationally in funding for the arts and whose leaders value the importance of the arts to create energized communities, character strengthened youth, and a prosperous economy.”
Advocating for Artists by putting local art in county businesses, SWAC’S Wicomico ArtScape program with rotation of art exhibits, artists reception, on consignment sale opportunities, connecting artist with community, encouraging county businesses to decorate local instead of Amazon, and COMING SOON the SWAC online Store always open to purchase local art are some of the reasons for Artists to sign up! Providing great exposure in a commercial gallery or established business with people patronizing the business for other reasons and then stumbling upon and purchasing local art, which in turn supports local business, is a win-win for everyone! Currently there are eleven locations for the S.W.A.S. to place art, with customized themes! CALLING ALL ARTISTS, BUSINESSES, AND ARTS ENTHUSIASTS TO CURATE THE S.W.A.S. - , CONTACT SWAC TODAY!
The Wicomico ArtScape is a profitable promotion for artists, businesses and residents!
SWAC first celebrated Christmas in the Capital a few years ago when SWAC CAD grant recipient Poplar Hill Mansion’s 4 Seasons Garden Club, spear headed by SWAC Board Member Dr. Sharon Clark, (pictured here) created a Wicomico County Christmas tree and presented it to Governor Hogan and Mrs. Hogan. SWAC was excited to fund the tree project, promoting the arts of our county beyond our borders! In FY19 the 4 Season’s Garden Club enhanced the project by asking SWAC to create an “ARTS ORNAMENT” to be presented to Governor and Mrs. Hogan, to literally “hang SWAC on the tree!” SWAC Staff worked tediously to produce the ornament pictured here, with every detail of the arts and SWAC possible in one creation, topped with a photo of Mrs. Hogan speaking at the SWAC 2017 50th Anniversary Luncheon as our honored guest! It is reported that Mrs. Hogan was so taken by the ornament with her image, that she requested to “keep it forever”. Mrs. Hogan is an amazing artist and art professor, she has been a strong voice for increased arts funding for Maryland, and we are thrilled to be on her tree, and for her to hold us in her heart!
Do you believe in the power of the arts, like to entertain, and have a lovely home you would like to share with SWAC members and arts enthusiasts? Then pick your theme; Spring Derby Day on your deck with mint juleps and big hats? Winter Super Bowl excitement in your home theater? SWAC coordinates, promotes, sells tickets, and provides labor; you supply food drink and entertainment, and then enjoy the gasps of awe as guests tour your home! SWAC is grateful to former SWAC Board Member Palmer Gillis and his beautiful wife Sandy, for hosting the first SWAC T.H.P.F.T.A, raising $3895 for SWAC! The fun was themed as a Key West Island Paradise complete with beach ambiance summer foods, and Jimmy Buffet sounds as E.S. Celebrity Randy Lee Ashcraft & the Saltwater Cowboys performed to a breathtaking bay sunset. In 2017 Don and Lynn Taylor took us around the world with arts, culture, music and foods from 7 countries all in their beautiful home, as we traveled with a Passport to the Arts!” WHOSE home will SWAC showcase next, WHAT theme will you choose, WHEN can we visit, WHERE does your artistic soul dwell, WHO will care for the arts, and WHY open your home to SWAC? Because, “For 50 years more, Give to SWAC and SWAC Gives Back!”
When you’re flipping the channels looking for great TV with local flare, stop the remote on PAC 14 to enjoy the SWAC show “Arts for Better Living” NOW FILMED LIVE ON LOCATION “bringing the arts to the people and bringing the people to the arts”. Every month SWAC visits a performance or exhibit and brings great entertainment and stimulating interviews with artists and community leaders, right into your home! Contact SWAC one month in advance if you have an arts event going on and will pack a camera and come capture the moment on film for all to see! Keep abreast of SWAC energy and participate in our arts advocacy efforts by staying informed and tuned in!
A SWAC program for local artists who would like a place to call home for supplies, work space, performing practice, sales, foot traffic, and event partnering. Eliminate the problems of stopping a project for clean up because company is coming, or giving music lessons and neighbors complain of noise. Come to SWAC to Create, connect with the public for sales, and arts event participation, and come home to the arts! Baltimore’s renowned Composer Jeffrey Chappel conducted music improv workshops at SWAC, Christening our new performing room and gracing the doorway with his signature on piano keys wallpaper! Several community members and students had a great time and left lifted with the sound of music created by their spontaneous talent. SWAC IS WHERE IT’S AT!
Warm your spirit and cool your body at SWAC’s Fountain of Our Youth, located in the City Park at the Zoo’s west entrance. This community celebration of our children is a lovely pergola style structure emanating a fine mist from multiple nozzles. Surrounding the fountain are bricks engraved with children’s names, and empty areas waiting for another child’s life to be born, celebrated, honored, or introduced to the world of the arts, with a personalized brick.
See website home page icon for information
Meeting, sharing, fun place.
Organizations and Businesses-gather round the arts for your next meeting reception, party or performance in the eclectic and delightful Arts Space that is home to the Salisbury Wicomico Arts Council. Artists are you tired packing up arts supplies when company or muffling musical sounds for the neighbors? Leave your creativity out for the next visit or rehearse jam sessions in the comfort of the arts as a SWAC Artist in Residence.
Meeting in homes with travel trivia, international foods, travel sharing
Portrait of Phyllis, Portrait of Women Artists, Perils and Pearls of the Pandemic, art shows and more to come. Shop local art, support Artists, experience the restorative power of the arts while enjoying SWAC hospitality
SWAC-y Hour, Happy Hour with the Arts (celebrating a different artist or theme each month, Open Mic night for Poetry Week or other performing arts, Live Theater and Comedy shows, Scholarship Audition day, Artists in Residence events, Arts workshops, Youth Art Camps.

Location & Contact Information



 SWAC Facebook!
SWAC Building

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