6/18 | Crafternoons Kids Arts Camp 8/4-8/8 Click here
"Your love and caring for SWAC and the Arts is truly outstanding - if measured by heart, then you are a giant! Please accept this check for $2000, as a fee reduction / donation to the cause."
Crystal Gayle and Bill Gatzimos, Gayle Enterprises
"Here's to streets that are packed, coffers that are stacked, and people GET SWAC'd!!"
"I proclaim November 18, 2017 as the Salisbury Wicomico Arts Council Day!"
Jake Day, Mayor of Salisbury, MD
"The Salisbury Wicomico Arts Council brought me to Salisbury for the first time in celebration of their 50 years of the arts. I am an artist too, understanding the needs, and I assure you of my support for the arts and the work you are doing, thank you!"
Mrs. Yumi Hogan, First Lady of Maryland
"Wicomico County Council proclaims the Salisbury Wicomico Arts Council as dedicated to enhancing quality of life, providing educational programs, community outreach, artistic experiences, facilitating communication among artists and organizations, thereby establishing our community as a vital cultural center"
John Cannon, Wicomico County Council, President
"The Arts are the heart and soul of our economy and our community, let it be known by this official citation of the Senate of Maryland, in recognition of SWAC's 50th anniversary, that we thank you for preserving the arts for all residents"
Adelaide Eckardt, Senator
"I deeply appreciate all that you do Therese, for the Salisbury Wicomico Arts Council, and it is a privilege to work with SWAC and promote the arts. Thank you for the hard work and heart felt efforts to make "Let's Do Lunch Arts" and my recognition so talent filled and beautiful, I was deeply touched."
Jim Mathias, Senator
"I have a student whose family is in a homeless shelter and he constantly acts out. The only time he behaves, is when he has a trumpet in his hand. SO SWAC GAVE HIM A TRUMPET MUSICAL INTRUMENT! THANK YOU SWAC, HE IS ACHIEVING NOW!"
Wicomico County Public School Teacher